Tips for pregnant women during pregnancy
Tips for pregnant women during pregnancy
is important for the pregnant woman to understand that the ideal number
of hours for her comfort is 8 hours of continuous sleep, and do not
forget that sleep, relaxation and rest in the afternoon are as important
as sleeping at night. Each pregnant woman should avoid crotch, and pressure on the abdomen because it leads to abdominal and back pain. Avoid the incorrect position of standing or sitting and not lifting
heavy things, and pregnant to learn to lift things from the ground and
is squatting so that the seat stuck to her heels.Clothes suitable for pregnant women:
Appropriate clothing
time when a mother needs new clothes for the new look varies during
pregnancy from one case to another. The mother who has already given
birth tends to have a larger body circumference than the newborn. In about 5 months, her lower abdomen begins to noticeably inflate, so her usual clothes become inappropriate afterwards. The
first thing to remember when choosing the right pregnancy clothing is
that it should be easy to clean and comfortable when you wear it. Sponsor that your body will grow in size over time. The second important thing is that clothes should look nice. The
weight you gain during pregnancy is often between 10 kg (22 lb) and 20
kg (44 lb) and the upper part of the body is about 10 cm higher than
normal. By the last month of pregnancy, the circumference of your abdomen becomes about 1 meter. The sleeve openings must be wide so you can stretch your arms easily and do not feel the tension in them.
The clothing cloth must be well hydrated and easily leaked, eg cotton, as the mother sweats a lot. Sometimes you can choose to wear a pair of soft leather shoes. Shoes should be low-heeled and non-slippery, and a pair of shoes should be worn. From soft leather shoes, high-heeled shoes can create pain in the lower back and cramp in both legs. In this regard, wearing high-heeled shoes is not safe because you will not be able to see where you stand because of your oversized belly, so maybe you trample something hidden under your shadow.
Sports during pregnancy:
Walking and walking. Do not mind doing your normal homework, avoiding
lifting or pushing heavy objects, or practicing violent exercise. You
can learn to practice proper exercise before and after childbirth.
You can do special exercises during your pregnancy (see the end of the book).Food during the pregnancy-feeding period:
You will not need to get extra food for your child, but we recommend you have balanced meals. That is, each meal contains all the necessary nutrients and avoid fatty and sour foods

spicy spices or spices, and a cup of tea, cocoa and coffee. Cheese, meat, birds, fish, and vegetables, especially paper and fresh fruits. If you weigh more than normal, reduce the amount of rice, potatoes and sweets. We recommend you get 6 snacks better than 3 meals.
Gestational Diabetes
Sexual intercourse during pregnancy:
Unless you have a history of abortions, that is, an incomplete child, or you have these symptoms, you do not have to avoid sexual activities during pregnancy. However, in the last month - four weeks before delivery - we do not recommend any sexual activity because it doubles uterine contractions, rupture of the amniotic membrane (head water), vaginal and vaginal bleeding.
In recent months, an orgasm may have an effect on the pressure of the uterus, thus increasing the child's heartbeat. Always take care to try situations that do not press your stomach and do not affect the fetus.
Breast Care During Pregnancy:
Use well-fitted braces to keep your nipples clean and clean with warm water and to wash them with olive oil every day starting from the fifth month of pregnancy. Avoid soap and cream. Cocoa butter or Lanoline cream can be used to massage if the nipple is deep. It can be highlighted by using a milk whip before cleaning and massage six weeks before the date of birth. In addition to the previous treatment, exercise to open the white channels, press the dark distance around the nipple with the finger and thumb fingers to remove a drop of the parents to prevent breast congestion and postpartum milk fever.
Care of gums and teeth during pregnancy: Dental care
Brush your teeth with toothpaste or toothpicks after each meal or in the morning and at least before bedtime. Consult your dentist if you have any complaints.Changes and complications occur with pregnancy:Breast changes in pregnant women:
Chest changes clearly during pregnancy, so the breasts become firm and tender in the early period of pregnancy, and then the softness disappears when the breasts are enlarged and become softer. The surrounding halo becomes darker, the halo glands become protruding so that the nipple becomes erect. A rich bile called colostrum appears with nipples when you massage your chest. After four months you need to choose a larger bra to support the enlarged chest. Continuous cleansing and massage for your dream prevents cracking and making it harder.Back pain in pregnant women:
As the pregnancy progresses, and because of the enlarged abdomen, the pressure on the back bone increases and the back bones become larger. The bones tend to bend back to balance the overburdened abdomen, so almost all pregnant women experience some degree of back pain in the advanced period of pregnancy, If the back pain is bad and can not be adjusted by stretching and relaxation, it may indicate some pressure on the muscle or spinal cord, and it is necessary to consult your doctor.
Constipation in pregnant women:
During pregnancy, induction of irregular bowel movements or constipation is repeated due to soft muscle and joint tendons and bowel activity but also causes some problems such as: anal rupture, rectal prolapse, and severe hemorrhoids. To maintain good bowel movement, you should increase your intake of fluids, fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber.Pins and needles (numbness) in hands and feet during pregnancy:
Some degree of cramping (numbness, numbness) can occur in pregnant women. The causes are not yet clear, but are believed to be related to the large curvature of the spine (not only in the lower back but in the neck and chest) and hormonal changes during pregnancy. For these reasons, the nerves of the arm may be withdrawn due to the distancing of the joints of the shoulders, resulting in cramping and weakness in the arms. In most cases, these problems disappear after birth. If these symptoms persist after birth, consult your orthopedic surgeon to find out the cause of the problem.Nausea during pregnancy:
The real cause of nausea remains unknown, but it is likely to be due to the high proportion of pregnancy hormones, especially progesterone. The treatment is avoidable, which is difficult to digest, especially in the morning, for example: pans or any foods or other factors that women feel they help Nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting can be alleviated by not leaving the bed immediately after waking up and starting to eat small amounts of food. Drugs can be used for women with severe nausea and vomiting. These symptoms usually fade after the 10th week of pregnancy. And it completely disappears on the fourteenth week .
Video caesarean section Natural Birth VideoThe phenomenon of carpal tunnel during pregnancy:
Is the exposure of the wrist to the pain and tingling as the needle ache extends from the wrist to the hand, there is this tunnel in front of the wrist where the movement of many members and ties to the palm and fingers of the hands. When the hand and fingers are exposed to the swelling of the tunnel, the tunnel is also surrounded by the bone on the one hand and fibrous ligaments. On the other hand, the passing nerves are subjected to pressure in the case of tumors, which causes irritation in the average nerve. This tunnel opens the tunnel towards the hand, creating a feeling of dwarfing of the fingers. This phenomenon peaks when waking up and before moving the wrist and automatically disappear after birth. The hand moves make the joints more flexible. Treatment is also done with light analgesics if necessary and sometimes with some diuretics to relieve swelling of the hands, thus relieving the pressure on the nerve, thus alleviating the pain associated with it. Sometimes this phenomenon is caused by vitamin B deficiency and treatment is by taking tablets containing this vitamin.
Joint pain during pregnancy:
During pregnancy, physiological changes in the woman's body result in relaxation and softness in the cartilage, in addition to increasing the proportion of fluid in the joints. These changes, in addition to the relaxation in the tendons that surround the joints and the bone cohesion with each other result in increased movement in these joints, causing In joint pain, the more relaxed the arthralgia becomes. The higher the pregnancy, the higher the weight of the uterus, the pregnant woman will compensate involuntarily by increasing the curvature of the back, in addition to relaxation in the joints of the pelvis, causing excessive stress on the muscles and tendons, causing back pain. In addition, during pregnancy, the fetus needs about 28 grams of calcium to form 25 grams of bone in the last third of pregnancy. If there is a deficiency during pregnancy at the level of calcium and food, especially if there is already a deficiency in the level of calcium in the body, A woman who breastfeeds for a long period of time without compensation for lack of calcium in the right food leads to softness of the bones, leading to pain in the joints and bones.Heartburn during pregnancy:
Heartburn affects half to two thirds of pregnant women and the common medical belief that they are due to the return of the gastric juice to the esophagus during pregnancy. This occurs due to the relaxation of the vessels that act as a valve between the stomach and esophagus during pregnancy. In a number of cases the result of a hernia in the opening through the esophagus through the diaphragm and most of these cases will disappear automatically after birth.
The treatment of burning is to avoid the conditions that cause this condition, such as bending and squatting, as it is advised to raise the upper level of the body from the bottom at sleep by placing pillows under the head and shoulders. The pregnant woman should avoid eating large meals and the meals are small and in batches, while avoiding hot meals. Medications containing alkaline substances can also be used to reduce the effect of acid on the stomach juice.
Anemia in pregnancy:
Anemia is diagnosed during pregnancy when the hemoglobin level of the mother drops below 10 mg. This is observed in 15% of pregnant women. As pregnancy progresses, hemoglobin levels and red blood cells tend to decrease, because the amount of iron taken is insufficient to cover As iron consumption increases due to the active rate of metabolism (cell renewal) in mother and child. Known cases of anemia are anemia, which causes severe bleeding and infection, anemia of red blood cells, and anemia, anemia, the most common of which is iron deficiency anemia. Anemia affects the growth and development of the fetus and causes multiple complications during childbirth. For these reasons, it is necessary to monitor the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells in the blood during the first trimester of pregnancy to provide the mother with additional amounts of iron or interest in blood transfusion in severe cases.
Abortion (automatic projection):
Abortion means termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation (before the fetus develops to the stage of viability) or when it weighs less than 500 grams. It occurs in about 10% to 15% of pregnant women and is caused by a congenital defect in the egg or sperm. Therefore, the fetus is not compatible with life. Some diseases in the mother, such as: cobalt disease, endocrine disorder (diabetes mellitus) ), Cervical dysfunction (cervical insufficiency), psychological and physiological stress can also cause abortion. When the mother loses children more than 3 consecutive times, this phenomenon is called a fashionable abortion. The possibility of aborting pre-abortion women is about 20% to 30%. It is believed that the reason for women who lose children is common, the percentage increases from 30 to 50%, and is believed to be due to an anatomical or organic defect in the mother. 70% of all abortions occur in the first trimester, especially in the third month. The risk of abortions increases when the abdomen is enlarged, so it is advisable to induce a surgical procedure to prevent miscarriage during weeks 14-16 (4 months).Urinary retention during pregnancy:
It is normal to increase urination due to physiological changes in the first trimester of pregnancy. In fact, it is one of the supposed signs of pregnancy because the enlarged uterus presses on the bladder. This symptom will last for 4 months and then disappear when the uterus enters the ventral cavity and then reappears in the last month when the baby's low head is pressed against the bladder. The only thing that increases is the amount of pee not the pain .
So if you feel pain when urinating, consult your doctor as this can be an inflammation of the urinary system.
Intensive vaginal discharge during pregnancy:
In normal cases, vaginal discharge can increase during pregnancy due to viscous secretions of the inner cervical wall. In some cases, however, excretions are increased for pathological reasons, the most common cause of which is Candida and tricomonas. Tricomonas infection occurs in about 20 to 30% of pregnant women and produces a thicker odor. The metronidazole load of the vagina can be described to treat this condition, and about 20% of pregnant women can be observed as a result of white feces such as cheese. If the symptoms are mild, no treatment is required, but when it gets worse, the flower of the bitter herb (gentian) or mycostatin can help in this case. And the symptoms will disappear automatically after the situation .Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy:
1) vaginal bleeding in the first half of pregnancy:
If you see a sign of bleeding, you should consult your doctor immediately. There are several possible causes of bleeding, which can be related to severe wound inflammation in the cervical wall, or you may become pregnant with a spiral in your womb. If the amount of bleeding is simple, you can take enough time to rest in bed and abstain from sexual activity for at least two weeks until the bleeding stops. If bleeding is severe and you have poor blood, it is necessary to induce abortion. In addition, the cause may be one of the pathological conditions that can be an external pregnancy (by tubes) or cluster pregnancy. In the case of spontaneous abortions, you will see signs of bleeding followed by regular, moderate abdominal contractions in the lower abdomen. This condition can be caused by an external pregnancy or ovarian tumor. If the birth pain continues for more than 6 hours, the opening of the cervix or rupture of the amniotic membrane can not be saved.
2) vaginal bleeding in the late half of pregnancy:
Bleeding in the late half of pregnancy can be related to severe vaginal wall segregation, multiple ulcers in the intestines or some cancer cells. Some of the common causes of this period are uncomplicated placenta, sudden rupture of the placenta, or hysterectomy in these cases The mother's condition is serious, and immediate intervention must be accelerated, otherwise it can be fatal to both the mother and the child. In normal cases, you can see the pink-brown profusion of the vagina called the blood mark and this sign shows that birth will begin at any moment.
what about German measles ? :
It is not a serious disease in the absence of pregnancy, but if a woman was pregnant when she contracted the disease, the risk of congenital disability is high (50% of the cases in the first month of pregnancy, 25% in the second month of pregnancy, In the third month of pregnancy). Potential impairments can be darkening of the eye, glaucoma (blue aquatic eye), vision disorders and hearing disorders, and problems with advanced growth. The important thing here is to diagnose the disease and the doctor's office to discuss maintaining the pregnancy.
Diabetes during pregnancy:
According to the 1977 report, about 5% of Americans are said to have diabetes, and the disease tends to increase very rapidly. If a woman with diabetes becomes pregnant, there are risks of muscle spasms, infections and trouble during childbirth, such as: abortion of a dead fetus or prenatal bleeding due to the normal growth of the child.
With regard to the effects on the fetus, there is a high risk of death of the newborn child, and the incidence of diseases easily and congenital disability. In this case, correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential to prevent potential problems, and prenatal care must be followed.Immunization and immunization during pregnancy:
Depends on what type of vaccine or immunity the mother has obtained. For example, a mother may be given a tetanus and tetanus vaccine if she has not been vaccinated for the last 10 years. While polio vaccine is given only if it is newly spread in the area. Mumps or measles should be avoided during the months of pregnancy, while typhoid should be given if it has to travel around an area where the yellow fever epidemic is spread. The scorpion must be given before leaving because the disease is more dangerous than the possibility of fatal complications from taking the vaccine. Cholera is not recommended for any pregnant woman unless you travel to a newly spread area or contact a person with an active cholera infection. Rabies can be given as prescribed by the applicable protocol. The hepatitis C vaccine is given to pregnant women before traveling to an area where there is a risk of infection with the hepatitis virus, or after contact with a person who has been infected with hepatitis.
Premature birth :
Premature birth is when a child is born 20 weeks but 36 weeks before conception or when the baby weighs less than 2500 grams at birth. The child often weighs about 300 grams in the 20 weeks of pregnancy, 700 grams in 24 weeks, 1000 grams in 28 weeks, 1700 grams in 31 weeks, 2500 grams in 35 weeks and about 3200 grams in 40 weeks of pregnancy. The factors contributing to premature birth are: early rupture of the membrane (sack of water), inadequate cervix, large amount of amniotic fluid, placental detachment (early separation of the placenta) pneumonia when mother mother's kidney infection, Non-mature than normal children, they can be placed in an industrial incubator and under special supervision for a period.
Fetal movements:
During weeks 20-22 of pregnancy, you can feel the first movement of your child, called the ruff. Some mothers do not feel the movement until the sixth month of pregnancy, but most mothers say they are around the fifth week of pregnancy. They can be confused with bowel movement, muscle or intermittent movement Other. Fetal movement can be an indicator of maternal and child health, especially in the case of muscle spasm. The active fetal movement indicates the child's health. But until the child is properly the body does not move actively throughout the day.
You can stimulate it by moving or rubbing the abdomen lightly. If there is no movement, it can be a false load, H-mole, or a case of fetal death. Especially when the normal movement of the child stops active for a long period of time. It strongly suggests the death of the fetus . In the case of a dangerous pregnancy, the child does not move actively, but his heartbeat can be measured by an anesthesia machine called a motion-aware sign. The lack of movement may include a threat of fetal death. therefore mothers should have immediate health care .
What drugs can affect the fetus:
Pelvic drugs can penetrate into the fetus. For this reason, when a new drug is prescribed to a woman and if there is any possibility that she is pregnant, you should know if she is pregnant before taking the drug or not. By law, each drug must be selected and approved by the FDA, and a printed paper describing the ingredients and side effects should be attached inside, as each drug has adverse effects while increasing symptoms and improving the patient's condition. Taking any medication that is not appropriate without consulting a doctor can cause complications or birth defects for the child if a pregnant woman is taking it.
Appropriate clothing
The clothing cloth must be well hydrated and easily leaked, eg cotton, as the mother sweats a lot. Sometimes you can choose to wear a pair of soft leather shoes. Shoes should be low-heeled and non-slippery, and a pair of shoes should be worn. From soft leather shoes, high-heeled shoes can create pain in the lower back and cramp in both legs. In this regard, wearing high-heeled shoes is not safe because you will not be able to see where you stand because of your oversized belly, so maybe you trample something hidden under your shadow.
Sports during pregnancy:
You can do special exercises during your pregnancy (see the end of the book).Food during the pregnancy-feeding period:
You will not need to get extra food for your child, but we recommend you have balanced meals. That is, each meal contains all the necessary nutrients and avoid fatty and sour foods

spicy spices or spices, and a cup of tea, cocoa and coffee. Cheese, meat, birds, fish, and vegetables, especially paper and fresh fruits. If you weigh more than normal, reduce the amount of rice, potatoes and sweets. We recommend you get 6 snacks better than 3 meals.
Gestational Diabetes
Sexual intercourse during pregnancy:
Unless you have a history of abortions, that is, an incomplete child, or you have these symptoms, you do not have to avoid sexual activities during pregnancy. However, in the last month - four weeks before delivery - we do not recommend any sexual activity because it doubles uterine contractions, rupture of the amniotic membrane (head water), vaginal and vaginal bleeding.
In recent months, an orgasm may have an effect on the pressure of the uterus, thus increasing the child's heartbeat. Always take care to try situations that do not press your stomach and do not affect the fetus.
Breast Care During Pregnancy:
Use well-fitted braces to keep your nipples clean and clean with warm water and to wash them with olive oil every day starting from the fifth month of pregnancy. Avoid soap and cream. Cocoa butter or Lanoline cream can be used to massage if the nipple is deep. It can be highlighted by using a milk whip before cleaning and massage six weeks before the date of birth. In addition to the previous treatment, exercise to open the white channels, press the dark distance around the nipple with the finger and thumb fingers to remove a drop of the parents to prevent breast congestion and postpartum milk fever.
Care of gums and teeth during pregnancy: Dental care
Brush your teeth with toothpaste or toothpicks after each meal or in the morning and at least before bedtime. Consult your dentist if you have any complaints.Changes and complications occur with pregnancy:Breast changes in pregnant women:
Chest changes clearly during pregnancy, so the breasts become firm and tender in the early period of pregnancy, and then the softness disappears when the breasts are enlarged and become softer. The surrounding halo becomes darker, the halo glands become protruding so that the nipple becomes erect. A rich bile called colostrum appears with nipples when you massage your chest. After four months you need to choose a larger bra to support the enlarged chest. Continuous cleansing and massage for your dream prevents cracking and making it harder.Back pain in pregnant women:
As the pregnancy progresses, and because of the enlarged abdomen, the pressure on the back bone increases and the back bones become larger. The bones tend to bend back to balance the overburdened abdomen, so almost all pregnant women experience some degree of back pain in the advanced period of pregnancy, If the back pain is bad and can not be adjusted by stretching and relaxation, it may indicate some pressure on the muscle or spinal cord, and it is necessary to consult your doctor.
Constipation in pregnant women:
During pregnancy, induction of irregular bowel movements or constipation is repeated due to soft muscle and joint tendons and bowel activity but also causes some problems such as: anal rupture, rectal prolapse, and severe hemorrhoids. To maintain good bowel movement, you should increase your intake of fluids, fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber.Pins and needles (numbness) in hands and feet during pregnancy:
Some degree of cramping (numbness, numbness) can occur in pregnant women. The causes are not yet clear, but are believed to be related to the large curvature of the spine (not only in the lower back but in the neck and chest) and hormonal changes during pregnancy. For these reasons, the nerves of the arm may be withdrawn due to the distancing of the joints of the shoulders, resulting in cramping and weakness in the arms. In most cases, these problems disappear after birth. If these symptoms persist after birth, consult your orthopedic surgeon to find out the cause of the problem.Nausea during pregnancy:
The real cause of nausea remains unknown, but it is likely to be due to the high proportion of pregnancy hormones, especially progesterone. The treatment is avoidable, which is difficult to digest, especially in the morning, for example: pans or any foods or other factors that women feel they help Nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting can be alleviated by not leaving the bed immediately after waking up and starting to eat small amounts of food. Drugs can be used for women with severe nausea and vomiting. These symptoms usually fade after the 10th week of pregnancy. And it completely disappears on the fourteenth week .
Video caesarean section Natural Birth VideoThe phenomenon of carpal tunnel during pregnancy:
Is the exposure of the wrist to the pain and tingling as the needle ache extends from the wrist to the hand, there is this tunnel in front of the wrist where the movement of many members and ties to the palm and fingers of the hands. When the hand and fingers are exposed to the swelling of the tunnel, the tunnel is also surrounded by the bone on the one hand and fibrous ligaments. On the other hand, the passing nerves are subjected to pressure in the case of tumors, which causes irritation in the average nerve. This tunnel opens the tunnel towards the hand, creating a feeling of dwarfing of the fingers. This phenomenon peaks when waking up and before moving the wrist and automatically disappear after birth. The hand moves make the joints more flexible. Treatment is also done with light analgesics if necessary and sometimes with some diuretics to relieve swelling of the hands, thus relieving the pressure on the nerve, thus alleviating the pain associated with it. Sometimes this phenomenon is caused by vitamin B deficiency and treatment is by taking tablets containing this vitamin.
Joint pain during pregnancy:
During pregnancy, physiological changes in the woman's body result in relaxation and softness in the cartilage, in addition to increasing the proportion of fluid in the joints. These changes, in addition to the relaxation in the tendons that surround the joints and the bone cohesion with each other result in increased movement in these joints, causing In joint pain, the more relaxed the arthralgia becomes. The higher the pregnancy, the higher the weight of the uterus, the pregnant woman will compensate involuntarily by increasing the curvature of the back, in addition to relaxation in the joints of the pelvis, causing excessive stress on the muscles and tendons, causing back pain. In addition, during pregnancy, the fetus needs about 28 grams of calcium to form 25 grams of bone in the last third of pregnancy. If there is a deficiency during pregnancy at the level of calcium and food, especially if there is already a deficiency in the level of calcium in the body, A woman who breastfeeds for a long period of time without compensation for lack of calcium in the right food leads to softness of the bones, leading to pain in the joints and bones.Heartburn during pregnancy:
Heartburn affects half to two thirds of pregnant women and the common medical belief that they are due to the return of the gastric juice to the esophagus during pregnancy. This occurs due to the relaxation of the vessels that act as a valve between the stomach and esophagus during pregnancy. In a number of cases the result of a hernia in the opening through the esophagus through the diaphragm and most of these cases will disappear automatically after birth.
The treatment of burning is to avoid the conditions that cause this condition, such as bending and squatting, as it is advised to raise the upper level of the body from the bottom at sleep by placing pillows under the head and shoulders. The pregnant woman should avoid eating large meals and the meals are small and in batches, while avoiding hot meals. Medications containing alkaline substances can also be used to reduce the effect of acid on the stomach juice.
Anemia in pregnancy:
Anemia is diagnosed during pregnancy when the hemoglobin level of the mother drops below 10 mg. This is observed in 15% of pregnant women. As pregnancy progresses, hemoglobin levels and red blood cells tend to decrease, because the amount of iron taken is insufficient to cover As iron consumption increases due to the active rate of metabolism (cell renewal) in mother and child. Known cases of anemia are anemia, which causes severe bleeding and infection, anemia of red blood cells, and anemia, anemia, the most common of which is iron deficiency anemia. Anemia affects the growth and development of the fetus and causes multiple complications during childbirth. For these reasons, it is necessary to monitor the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells in the blood during the first trimester of pregnancy to provide the mother with additional amounts of iron or interest in blood transfusion in severe cases.
Abortion (automatic projection):
Abortion means termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation (before the fetus develops to the stage of viability) or when it weighs less than 500 grams. It occurs in about 10% to 15% of pregnant women and is caused by a congenital defect in the egg or sperm. Therefore, the fetus is not compatible with life. Some diseases in the mother, such as: cobalt disease, endocrine disorder (diabetes mellitus) ), Cervical dysfunction (cervical insufficiency), psychological and physiological stress can also cause abortion. When the mother loses children more than 3 consecutive times, this phenomenon is called a fashionable abortion. The possibility of aborting pre-abortion women is about 20% to 30%. It is believed that the reason for women who lose children is common, the percentage increases from 30 to 50%, and is believed to be due to an anatomical or organic defect in the mother. 70% of all abortions occur in the first trimester, especially in the third month. The risk of abortions increases when the abdomen is enlarged, so it is advisable to induce a surgical procedure to prevent miscarriage during weeks 14-16 (4 months).Urinary retention during pregnancy:
It is normal to increase urination due to physiological changes in the first trimester of pregnancy. In fact, it is one of the supposed signs of pregnancy because the enlarged uterus presses on the bladder. This symptom will last for 4 months and then disappear when the uterus enters the ventral cavity and then reappears in the last month when the baby's low head is pressed against the bladder. The only thing that increases is the amount of pee not the pain .
So if you feel pain when urinating, consult your doctor as this can be an inflammation of the urinary system.
Intensive vaginal discharge during pregnancy:
In normal cases, vaginal discharge can increase during pregnancy due to viscous secretions of the inner cervical wall. In some cases, however, excretions are increased for pathological reasons, the most common cause of which is Candida and tricomonas. Tricomonas infection occurs in about 20 to 30% of pregnant women and produces a thicker odor. The metronidazole load of the vagina can be described to treat this condition, and about 20% of pregnant women can be observed as a result of white feces such as cheese. If the symptoms are mild, no treatment is required, but when it gets worse, the flower of the bitter herb (gentian) or mycostatin can help in this case. And the symptoms will disappear automatically after the situation .Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy:
1) vaginal bleeding in the first half of pregnancy:
If you see a sign of bleeding, you should consult your doctor immediately. There are several possible causes of bleeding, which can be related to severe wound inflammation in the cervical wall, or you may become pregnant with a spiral in your womb. If the amount of bleeding is simple, you can take enough time to rest in bed and abstain from sexual activity for at least two weeks until the bleeding stops. If bleeding is severe and you have poor blood, it is necessary to induce abortion. In addition, the cause may be one of the pathological conditions that can be an external pregnancy (by tubes) or cluster pregnancy. In the case of spontaneous abortions, you will see signs of bleeding followed by regular, moderate abdominal contractions in the lower abdomen. This condition can be caused by an external pregnancy or ovarian tumor. If the birth pain continues for more than 6 hours, the opening of the cervix or rupture of the amniotic membrane can not be saved.
2) vaginal bleeding in the late half of pregnancy:
Bleeding in the late half of pregnancy can be related to severe vaginal wall segregation, multiple ulcers in the intestines or some cancer cells. Some of the common causes of this period are uncomplicated placenta, sudden rupture of the placenta, or hysterectomy in these cases The mother's condition is serious, and immediate intervention must be accelerated, otherwise it can be fatal to both the mother and the child. In normal cases, you can see the pink-brown profusion of the vagina called the blood mark and this sign shows that birth will begin at any moment.
what about German measles ? :
It is not a serious disease in the absence of pregnancy, but if a woman was pregnant when she contracted the disease, the risk of congenital disability is high (50% of the cases in the first month of pregnancy, 25% in the second month of pregnancy, In the third month of pregnancy). Potential impairments can be darkening of the eye, glaucoma (blue aquatic eye), vision disorders and hearing disorders, and problems with advanced growth. The important thing here is to diagnose the disease and the doctor's office to discuss maintaining the pregnancy.
Diabetes during pregnancy:
According to the 1977 report, about 5% of Americans are said to have diabetes, and the disease tends to increase very rapidly. If a woman with diabetes becomes pregnant, there are risks of muscle spasms, infections and trouble during childbirth, such as: abortion of a dead fetus or prenatal bleeding due to the normal growth of the child.
With regard to the effects on the fetus, there is a high risk of death of the newborn child, and the incidence of diseases easily and congenital disability. In this case, correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential to prevent potential problems, and prenatal care must be followed.Immunization and immunization during pregnancy:
Depends on what type of vaccine or immunity the mother has obtained. For example, a mother may be given a tetanus and tetanus vaccine if she has not been vaccinated for the last 10 years. While polio vaccine is given only if it is newly spread in the area. Mumps or measles should be avoided during the months of pregnancy, while typhoid should be given if it has to travel around an area where the yellow fever epidemic is spread. The scorpion must be given before leaving because the disease is more dangerous than the possibility of fatal complications from taking the vaccine. Cholera is not recommended for any pregnant woman unless you travel to a newly spread area or contact a person with an active cholera infection. Rabies can be given as prescribed by the applicable protocol. The hepatitis C vaccine is given to pregnant women before traveling to an area where there is a risk of infection with the hepatitis virus, or after contact with a person who has been infected with hepatitis.
Premature birth :
Premature birth is when a child is born 20 weeks but 36 weeks before conception or when the baby weighs less than 2500 grams at birth. The child often weighs about 300 grams in the 20 weeks of pregnancy, 700 grams in 24 weeks, 1000 grams in 28 weeks, 1700 grams in 31 weeks, 2500 grams in 35 weeks and about 3200 grams in 40 weeks of pregnancy. The factors contributing to premature birth are: early rupture of the membrane (sack of water), inadequate cervix, large amount of amniotic fluid, placental detachment (early separation of the placenta) pneumonia when mother mother's kidney infection, Non-mature than normal children, they can be placed in an industrial incubator and under special supervision for a period.
Fetal movements:
During weeks 20-22 of pregnancy, you can feel the first movement of your child, called the ruff. Some mothers do not feel the movement until the sixth month of pregnancy, but most mothers say they are around the fifth week of pregnancy. They can be confused with bowel movement, muscle or intermittent movement Other. Fetal movement can be an indicator of maternal and child health, especially in the case of muscle spasm. The active fetal movement indicates the child's health. But until the child is properly the body does not move actively throughout the day.
You can stimulate it by moving or rubbing the abdomen lightly. If there is no movement, it can be a false load, H-mole, or a case of fetal death. Especially when the normal movement of the child stops active for a long period of time. It strongly suggests the death of the fetus . In the case of a dangerous pregnancy, the child does not move actively, but his heartbeat can be measured by an anesthesia machine called a motion-aware sign. The lack of movement may include a threat of fetal death. therefore mothers should have immediate health care .
What drugs can affect the fetus:
Pelvic drugs can penetrate into the fetus. For this reason, when a new drug is prescribed to a woman and if there is any possibility that she is pregnant, you should know if she is pregnant before taking the drug or not. By law, each drug must be selected and approved by the FDA, and a printed paper describing the ingredients and side effects should be attached inside, as each drug has adverse effects while increasing symptoms and improving the patient's condition. Taking any medication that is not appropriate without consulting a doctor can cause complications or birth defects for the child if a pregnant woman is taking it.
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