Sports Body Building Muscle Bodybuilding

Muscle building
Building muscles in the body means amplifying all the major muscles in the human body. The body with the massive muscle structure is a measure of body beauty and a sign of its strength, so young people are quick to exercise to build their muscles. Muscle building is through exercise with specialized exercises that work to inflate the muscles of the body. These exercises are repetitions of a particular movement that straining the muscles and working to tighten them.

Sports Body Building Muscle Bodybuilding
Bodybuilding is the main sport to inflate the muscles of the body. It depends on muscle exercise and protein-rich foods.Bodybuilding exercises depend on lifting heavy weights (such as iron and hand weights) frequently for muscle stress. The muscle begins to contract because of the great effort shown. The benefit of food containing high protein content rebuilds the damaged muscle fibers more and more vigorously than It was. Competitions are held for bodybuilding so that competition is a comparison between the bodies of competitors in terms of muscle mass and detail.
Sport Fitness

Fitness is a sport similar to bodybuilding, in which the muscles are amplified, but less than bodybuilding, where the practitioners focus on the detail of the muscle and shaping rather than amplified, and the exercises vary from the sport of bodybuilding exercises that do not depend on pregnancy Heavy weights are chiefly, but exercises that benefit the fitness of the body.
Sport Force

The sport of force is a sport that relies mainly on carrying heavy weights, not focusing on the shape of the muscle and detail, but only the ability to carry heavy weights (which is proportional to the size of the muscle). The competition is about the amount of weight borne by repeating one of the three exercises: squatting, exercise, fatal exercise, and exercise chest compression, and depends on the exercise on all exercises that help to increase weight.
Mechanism of muscle amplification
The muscles of the body are divided into 5 categories in order to amplify them: arm muscles (divided into biceps, triceps, forearm), shoulder muscles, back muscles, and leg muscles. The exercises used for each muscle group vary. Back muscles exercises, for example, are different from leg muscle exercises, and so on
Concentration in the muscle during exercise One of the most important factors that affect the quality of the exercise and its results is the focus in the muscle, which is exercised without the other, where the person must feel the tightening of the muscle during the exercise. One of the common mistakes among bodybuilders is to lift the weight regardless of the muscles used during the exercise. For example, in leg muscles exercises the person relies on the lower back muscle more than the leg muscles, and this is not required, but must focus on the muscles Leg to be tight during exercise, to ensure the results of the leg muscles, and to avoid serious injuries such as cartilage slide in the lower back muscles. Weight gain or repetition during exercise when estimated Stability in the exercise on the weights and the number of repetitive movement will prove the size of the muscles after a period; as the muscle will get used to the effort. There are three solutions to this problem: increasing the amount of weights raised during the exercise and installing the number of iterations. Increase the number of duplicates with the amount of weights raised. Increasing the amount of weights raised and the number of duplicates also; this is the best solution to this problem. The protein is the essential nutrient for muscle building. It contains the essential amino acids for the muscle, and any deficiency In it the daily need for a bodybuilder (depending on the person's weight) will lead to the destruction of the fibers without rebuilding them, so the muscles will not swell even with exercise. The amount of protein is increased by foods rich in it, such as eggs, meat of all kinds, cheeses (preferably low-fat), or by industrial protein products, whey protein. Increased sleep time The sleep period is the best period in which the body rebuilds muscles, In addition, sleep relaxes the body and gives it energy for the next day. Therefore, the few hours of sleep required per day leads to slow muscle amplification, and there will not be enough energy to perform the exercises properly. Avoid habits harmful to health There are many reasons that harm the body in general, and slow down the process of muscle amplification, including: Smoking and drinking hookah: as smoking of all kinds weaken the blood circulation and lungs significantly. Drinking soft drinks: They lead to osteoporosis and weight gain, and contain large amounts of caffeine, which is harmful in the case of multiplication. Eating pans and fast food: they contain large amounts of harmful fats and cholesterol, and thus lead to an increase in the weight. Taking prohibitions: The damage is many and multiple, and can lead to death. Taking steroids: Although they quickly inflate the muscles, there are many side effects, such as infertility and imbalance of the body's hormones, and leaving them will lead to muscle atrophy and slackness.
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