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How do you deal with a child with special needs?

How do you deal with a child with special needs?
All relations in our lives are subject to the law of respect, and this requires a spirit that is keen on moral work before anything. Here lies the homeland of humanity, and the tenderness is manifested. The deal translates with the human soul and affects those around us. Let us find our card to help and win a heart, Disabled. "According to local statistics, the number of people with special needs in Saudi Arabia reaches 1.5 million people with disabilities. Due to the importance of people with special needs, we have decided to learn more about what the family may offer the injured. Disability is a functional disability or disability in one or several members of the human body, which may be born with it, and may occur, either visual, physical or mental, which limits its ability to support itself or its community.

The art of dealing with the owner of the disability: One of the most important things that must be taken into account the psychological side of the injured person, because of his sense of low esteem, and that he is different or dependent on his family and society, understanding his small environment as his brothers need for compassion and care improves his psychological and strengthen his personality, The most accurate details of his wishes and tendencies to provide them, and help him to practice his hobbies to schedule his day in a renewed way to make time and the people of the importance and meaning of his life.His rights are obligatory and must be preserved: education, treatment, well-being, and all the food and clothing he needs are rights that the family must provide him with, and he pays attention without asking or needing to preserve his dignity. This is only a mass of feelings that he may not be able to express and explain. , And may be able and afraid to say, may be demanded and get nothing.

The attitude of pity and helplessness: These behaviors are the look of the ignorant, and the worst behavior. Informing the disabled person that he is different or incapacitated. He is an active member of his family and society, and we must strengthen the rest of his qualities and strive to strengthen them and to develop himself with confidence in the family. From integrating it with the community and giving it appropriate tasks.

Families with special needs must apply:* Knowing the disabled person with his problem and awareness of their details helps to cooperate with his family and insist and overcome them.* Recognizing that the family has a disability, and its conviction in adapting to it, by intensifying it to find out the obstacles it faces in order to be able to absorb it and to carry out what is issued to provide the means of rest so that it can exercise its daily life easily and safely.* Believing in his abilities, and encouraging him to participate even in the simplest works.* The use of experts and scientific sources that increase the culture and guidance, and access to the experiences of others who have dealing with similar cases.* Attend training courses on how to deal with the handicapped with a profession and the latest means.* The resort to the Ministry of Social Affairs in the event that parents can not provide a suitable environment for the situation, to provide them with the necessary and thus help to provide full care, the disabled have rights to the family and society to provide, no less than the rights of any individual in the community.

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