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Ways to make you happy 2018

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Making more money, getting the job you want always, or traveling around the world may seem to be the key to happiness for many people. But according to Professor Paul Dallon, an expert on happiness at the London School of Economics and government adviser on how to make people happier, Is the key to bringing pleasure, contentment and purpose of life.
نتيجة بحث الصور عن اشياء تجعلك سعيداDalon argues that many of the things that people believe to make them happy are in fact fleeting things that can change their lives in a negative way that makes them more vigilant and more stressful. Similarly, traveling around the world will keep people away from their loved ones. Access to an annual salary of almost $ 77,000 will not make a person happier.
Nevertheless, Dalon has identified five ways to be happier immediately because the important thing is to change what a person is doing rather than how he thinks. These are:
1. Listen to favorite music that has a great influence on your personal mood.2 - spend five more minutes with the person you love.3 - spend more time outdoors.4. Help someone else.5-Watch funny videosMtla:The most beautiful cat clips very funny 2017

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