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Ted lecture that can change your life

Ted lecture that can change your life:
Ted or Talk talks are short videos of no more than 20 minutes, talking about their experiences or interesting or innovative topics in different parts of the world. These lectures are held annually in several countries.The organizers have posted many videos for these lectures on their official site as well as on the YouTube platform. There are many different themes that will change your outlook on life and success. You will learn a lot from the experiences of people like you who have been able to change their way of thinking and to be successful in many areas. .The reactions to these videos are always as positive as the theme itself. You can learn to be a better person only by following the guidelines of these speakers.That's why I decided to present you some of the best and most popular videos recorded in Ted's conversations, and we have compiled this list of 14 most interesting conversations which can change your life one way or another. Of course all videos have subtitles to more than one language, just choose The appropriate language for you settings.

Elon Mask: The future we build - and dig it

- The language of your body is your personality

- Perrin Brown: The power of feeling weak

 - Ken Robinson: How Schools Kill Creativity

Hannah Fry: The Mathematics of Love
-Bill Gates: Innovation to zero!
- Guy Winch: Why we all need to practice first aid on our emotions

Zak Ibrahim: I am the son of a terrorist. Here's how I chose peace

- Julian Trigger: How to talk to make people want to hear you

- Roth Zhang: How to make hard choices?
- Tony Robbins: Why do we do what we do
- Sandrine Thorate: You can create new brain cells and how to do this

- Taylor Bolt: My brain slit that opened my eyesight

David Brooks: Should you live for your CV? Or for your memorial service?



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