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The difference between profitable site users and their creators

Technical chat: Here's the difference between profitable site users and their creators!

Web sites are a field where you can profit, whether you are on the site or the site owner. For example, we take links or file upload sites. There are two types of people who work for them, the site owner and the users or publishers.Technical Chat: Here's the difference between users and their creators # 2

دردشة تقنية : إليك الفرق بين مستخدمي المواقع الربحية و منشئيها  || #2If you use your mind a little, my friend you will find that the person who has a site links or shortcut ..., one day was working in such sites brings visitors from the masses, forums, and sites to win some of the sintas and is happy with .... , Of course, the first thing that will come to your mind is how this person reached this level after he was working in the sites only, became the owner of it (think about creating a site, risking his capital ..., does not know if the site or project will succeed or it will fail .....), let me tell you dear reader that the field of profit from the Internet does not need a crossover or book or the like ...., all it needs is continuity and with the development of maturity and experience will know the right way .., all Someone how it's kind of started printing (the way to profit from the Internet) in YouTube or Google, naturally will find the owners of links Riveral and sites links, links sites, IPTC ....., all these things are normal Jma, and this astronomical know the difference between the profitability of the sites and the authors of these sites users, and user moves from these sites to its owner is to follow the lines of this post.

Read more: Technical chat: The fact that most applications for profit from the Internet and is it true ??

دردشة تقنية : إليك الفرق بين مستخدمي المواقع الربحية و منشئيها  || #2The main factor that guides you to use or create such sites is experience. How can someone who has at least one year in search of profit methods from the Internet and know the free work know the SEO knows Adsense knows ....., (has a knowledge balance for profit From the internet) to look for sites to cut links to earn $ 5 or even $ 10, something unbelievable dear reader, yes such sites significantly help people who have no experience and are looking for the first dollar for them like to buy a product or finance advertising on Facebook to finance Their videos ...., a large percentage Marrow of this period, but a small proportion of moved Nha better.Technical Chat: Here's the difference between users and their creators # 2Equity capitalWe are talking about sites, we will give an example of sites, for example you want to create a site links links at least you will need $ 500, you will buy hosting and the domain, for example $ 20, will buy script, hire a professional WordPress Press to install the script, You will need protection, you will need funds for marketing ...., and here you will conclude dear reader that you can not profit without capital.Technical Chat: Here's the difference between users and their creators # 2

دردشة تقنية : إليك الفرق بين مستخدمي المواقع الربحية و منشئيها  || #2Mental and maturity in the field of profit .....
دردشة تقنية : إليك الفرق بين مستخدمي المواقع الربحية و منشئيها  || #2
We can say, dear reader, that this paragraph is a compilation of all the paragraphs in this post, (the conclusion of this post), first if you do not have a mentality and real maturity in the field of profit from the Internet unfortunately will not think definitively in the creation and management of sites, Advertisers in the sites of mini-services + choose good sites to advertise them ...., and second, you will never think of investing large sums on a project and finally not so long as you did not win or a dollar from the Internet will not take it seriously seriously, my friend, The sites are free because they combine professionals and beginners at the same time Limit and do not need capital.Technical Chat: Here's the difference between users and their creators # 2The spirit of adventure and investment

دردشة تقنية : إليك الفرق بين مستخدمي المواقع الربحية و منشئيها  || #2Can you lose $ 500 and earn $ 30? , Will you reinvest another $ 500 ?? , Can you pay for experience? Of course, no, dear reader, if you are like this, they are% 1 of those on the ground and with success, one of the things that you must do in the area of ​​profit from the Internet is the adventure and love of investment because the profit from the Internet is not guaranteed, my friend, Opposes this idea ??? , I will tell you a simple example, you are the owner of the site link links Your earnings are 100 dollars a day from the site only, one day I woke up from sleep and opened your computer to see sites and if it penetrated, what now dear reader Is profit from the Internet guaranteed ??? , Of course not, so you have to have the spirit of adventure and investment.

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