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top films :2017

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪top films‬‏
Someone accuses me of exaggeration, if I say directly and clearly:
There is nothing more effective in our lives, from a cultural point of view, to the formation of impressions, to ask questions, and to adopt situations that we will not and will not live, except books and films.
Books and movies (in order) are the quick entrance of your mind in everything, they can change your life for the better, without pain or suffering in return.
 In contrast to the laws of life that always require pain in collecting anything useful, books and movies guarantee you a great deal of enjoyment, entertainment and pleasure, as if you are devouring others' thoughts, feelings, memories and impressions as they are, with a lot of spices and additions that make them taste more wonderful and influential ..
On this list, I present you 10 great, influential, modern, feature films. There are no monsters, space conflicts, homicides, comedy, or heroes shooting all the time.
A list of great, moving films that will change a lot of your concept of life itself will leave you with a profound and profound impact on your level of understanding and understanding of the laws of life and how to deal with them properly in accordance with their mysterious complex laws.
Movies are available for everyone to collect benefit .. But most importantly, if you are a young man or a teenager at the beginning of life, the need to watch these films multiply, and become inevitable!
Best Movies 2015 - Month of April
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪top films‬‏
Christmas song - A Christmas Carol

This movie must be kept by you always, you see it from time to time .. A great movie full of dazzling meanings, tells our story all in life .. Tells your story in life, takes you to your past, present, and future ..
In my personal opinion, anyone who has seen this great film, adapted from the great English novelist Charles Dickens, can not have lived after watching the film, like his life before it!
If you do not see (the birth song), you are wasting your life without a real pause .. A pause that will keep you in your life after being saturated with new concepts and completely true to happiness ..
Feelings, smiles, pains, memories, sorrows, hopes, understanding of what was, what is and what will be .. then a completely different view of life ..
Set your top priority Watch this movie soon .. Honest advice!
The King's Speech

Each of us has a serious handicap, and a major crisis always causes him disability in the way of success .. Your personality may be a handicap, your voice, your body full, your weakness of vision, your ability to socialize, your mind ..
In the case of His Majesty King George VI of Britain, his main crisis was that he was stumbling over speech and speech in the most important time when the British nation needed a strong personality and presence, high voice and influence , Faces the dreadful Nazi expansion in Europe!
In this film, you will know that there is nothing in the universe that can stop you or stop you. As long as you train with determination, and you are determined to succeed in overcoming the obstacle, you will inevitably overcome it.
Just, you need some help from an inspirational figure, you may appear in your life suddenly .. It seems absolute confidence, and guides you on the right way .. We all need a personal (Lionel) in our lives ..
Watch the movie, and enjoy the idea of ​​breaking barriers!
Motivational and protected music from films
A man of graces

 yes, man
It is a comedy film, yes, to the American comedian (Jim Carrey) .. You will laugh in a lot of positions throughout the viewing period ..
But it will certainly capture your view of a very important meaning:
Most of the reasons for your frustrations, and the late chances in your life, are always caused by the fact that you say "no." Always say no, run away from someone, apologize for attending an event, or do not know how to do something.
 This is not the cause of all your suffering. Only, change this method .. Say: Yes to anyone, and every chance ..
An excellent movie, offering you entertainment and benefit at the same time .. After watching it, try to keep the idea, and say (yes) to everything facing you .. Your life will turn 180 degrees!
Alexander's day terrible, heinous, not good, very bad! Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Some days are very bad indeed .. sometimes surprisingly bad, where the pain, problems, grief and disasters combine, to rally on a particular day, or a series of days, inevitably leave a bad impact in you ..
And perhaps just remember, can make you feel upset and fear of the possibility of recurrence ..
This great movie presents you with a true comedy form. But in every scene, it emphasizes the fact that a bad day is the only thing that makes you enjoy the good days. Enjoy it, love it, and enjoy every enjoyable moment.
You will not really enjoy your life, unless you sense the meaning of the bad days. Then, you will love the rest of the days and will not allow it to pass unnoticed, without enjoying it in the maximum form possible ..
Cook - Chef

Yes, an entertainment film with excellence, and it will make you starve since its beginning, because it almost all revolves around the background of eating, cooking and preparing food.
The basic meaning of the film is that it will put you in that abhorrent situation that will confront you when the talent cries out that you are unique and talented .. At the same time as your manager

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